Applied Statistics introduces the bankers to the use of basic statistical concepts in banking applications. This course emphasizes topics on sampling and non-parametric methods which isn't covered in Basic Statistics course. In sampling topic, bankers learn to plan, execute, and evaluate of sample surveys. The sampling topic covers: simple random, stratified, and cluster sampling; multistage and systematic sampling; questionnaire design; cost functions; and optimal designs. The participant or bankers must organize the team, perform, and analyse actual sample surveys. Nonparametric topic covers concepts of parametric and nonparametric statistics, hypothesis tests, ranks, order statistics, classical distribution-free tests. In the end of the course, the participants will conduct a real life survey, analyse collected data and present the survey result.
The purpose of this course is to deliver the knowledge and understanding of the key elements of statistical business process that are fundamental to bank organization.

Materi Training
·      Basic statistics for banking review
·      Sampling: overview
·      Sampling terminology
·      Statistical terms in sampling
·      Probability sampling:
o    Simple random sampling
o    Stratified random sampling
o    Systematic random sampling
o    Cluster (area) random sampling
o    Multistage sampling
·      Non-probability sampling:
o    Accidental, Haphazard or Convenience Sampling
o    Purposive sampling
·      Measurement: overview
·      Level of measurement
·      Survey research
·      Scaling
·      Qualitative measures
·      Concepts of parametric and nonparametric statistics
·      Nonparametric Methods: order statistics and their distributions
·      Empirical distribution functions, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the equality of two distribution functions
·      Tests and confidence intervals for population quintiles
·      Sign test, test for symmetry, signed-rank test, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, run test, tests for independence
·      Nonparametric measures of correlations
·      Concepts of asymptotic efficiency
·      Analyzing data

This program is intended for Personal in any level in Production, Inventory, Logistics Maintenance, and Quality Manager and supervisor

Dr. Dedi Rosadi M.Sc