The Most Commonly Used By Many Oil & Gas, Mining Industries
How to Operate Units Safely, Effective and Efficient

The use of mobile equipment in the mining industry today is very essential in supporting mining activities. However, understanding the safety aspect is very important especially in terms of the operation to minimize the occurrence of accidents damages. It is defensive driving attitude development and the most common used by many Oil & Gas Industries as well Mining it’s a very comprehensive training to achieve zero defect goal it’s taken from several methods of defensive driving techniques that operated by worldwide well known driving training operators combined with Indonesian local hazards and risk management awareness.
This training is a highly concentrated curriculum emphasizing risk assessment learned through a series of perception-reaction to minimize the risk faced during driving. Basic training for understanding how to operate the unit safe effective and Efficient will explain the trucking industry vehicle equipment, mechanical components, brake checks, preventive maintenance, service, defensive driving techniques, cargo loading, Securing load, documentation, map reading, log books, trip planning, accident and fire prevention, reporting, carrying hazardous materials and system documentation.

A comprehensive training program and was very helpful in reducing the potential risk of vehicle accidents, especially road transportation facilities such as bus, truck and other. With training methods derived from the training methods used by the operator defensive driving training from several countries and combined with the condition of the state of the local road hazards (Hazard Potential), the culture and mindset of the people of Indonesia.
Expected Outcomes
·        Anticipate potential road crash situations
·        Respond to emergency driving risks and improve drivers capability of thinking and reacting in case of emergency to minimize the accidents
·        Develop effective vehicle control and observation skill
·        Demonstrate low risk driving techniques in driving  and will have a new sense of confidence and a heightened respect for the responsibilities of driving
·        Learned the techniques of a complete vehicle and will have a new sense of confidence and a heightened respect for the responsibilities of driving.
·        Achieved the Visual Habits Management as the key to drive defensive
·         Pre test dan post test (writing)
·         Praktek Lapangan
·         Unit / vehicle inspections

 Who Should Attendant

1.       Every driver who operates heavy vehicle should holds a valid SIM A
2.       In good health, not color blind (would need medical report prior to training)
3.       Must follow 100% all training sessions including all test and training procedures

Introduction to System Trucking in Mining Industry
Vehicle Inspection
  • Pre trip, En Route, and post trip Inspection Guidelines
  • Tire Inspection, including Mud Flaps/Splash Guards
  • Braking, Steering, Suspension, Exhaust and Coupling System Inspection
  • Cargo Inspection
  • Step for a Pre trip Inspection
  • En Route and Post trip Inspections
  • Vehicle Condition Report
Control Systems
  • Vehicle Control
  • Vehicle Instruments
Vehicle Systems
  • Frame, Suspension System, and Axles
  • Engines
  • Computer Management System
  • Fuel System
  • Air Intake and Exhaust System
  • Lubrication, Coolant and Electrical System
  • Drivetrain
  • Transmission
  • Driveshaft and Universal Joints
  • Differential, Wheels and Tires
  • Mounting System
  • Tread Design and Wheel Position
  • Normal Tire Inflation
  • Steering and Coupling System
Basic Control
  • Start, Warm-up, and Shutdown Routines
  • Putting the Vehicle into Motion, and Stopping
  • Backing in a Straight Line
  • Turning the Vehicle
  • Range Practice
  • Shift Control and Aid to Shifting
  • Non-synchronized Transmission
  • Shifting Patterns and Procedures
  • Shifting Semiautomatic Transmission and a Fully Automatic Transmission
  • Backing Principles, Rules and Safety
  • Basic Backing Maneuvers
Coupling and Uncoupling
  • The Coupling Sequence
  • Step-by-Step Uncoupling Procedure
Preventive Maintenance and Servicing
  • Preventive and other Types of Maintenance
  • Federal Motor Vehicles Inspection and Maintenance Requirements
  • Driver Vehicle Conditions Report (VCR)
  • Basic Service and Routine Maintenance
  • Checking Tire Air Pressure and Draining the Air Reservoirs
  • Adjusting the Tractor-Trailer Brakes
Recognizing and Reporting Malfunctions
  • Diagnosing-Solving Malfunctions
  • Convey Your Intent
  • Signaling
  • No Cell Phone
Space Management
  • Space Ahead, Behind, Side, Overhead, Below
  • Space for Turns
  • Space to Cross or Enter Traffic
Visual Search
  • Focusing on the Road Ahead
  • Scanning and the Visual Search
  • Use of Mirrors
Speed Management
  • Speed Management Terminology
  • Speed and Stopping Distance
  • Driving on Various Road Surfaces
  • Taking Curves Safely
  • Driving on Hills
  • Work Zone Driving Safety
  • Visibility, Speed and Traffic
Night Driving
  • Night Driving Factors, Procedures and Adjustments
Extreme Driving Conditions
  • Starting your Engine in Cold Weather
  • An Engine That Will Not Start
  • Bad Weather Operating Hazards and Driving in Bad Weather
  • Driving in Hot Weather / Desert
  • Mountain Driving
  • Auxiliary Brakes and Speed Retarders
  • Escape Ramps
Skid Control
  • Vehicle Control Factors
  • Causes of Skids and Preventing Skids
  • Tractor-Trailer Skids and Anti-jack knife
  • Antilock Brakes
  • Skid Recovery
Hazard Awareness
  • What Is a Hazard?
  • Commentary Driving and Hazard Perception
  • Recognizing Hazards and Sources of Clues
Railroad Crossings
  • Active versus Passive Railroad Crossing
  • Driver Behavior and Distractions at Passive Railroad Crossings
  • Warnings to Heed
  • What Every Driver Needs to Know About Railroad Crossings
Emergency Maneuvers
  • Avoiding Emergencies
  • Emergency Maneuvers

Accident Procedures
  • Accident Reporting When Hazardous Materials Are Involved
  • Giving First Aid
  • Fires and Firefighting
  • Fire Extinguisher
Special Rigs
  • Long Combination Vehicles
  • Special Trailer Types
  • Low-Clearance Vehicles
  • High Center of Gravity in Vehicles
  • Unstable Loads
  • Special Cargo Vehicles and Special Handling Vehicles
Handling Cargo
  • Importance and Fundamentals of Handling Cargo Properly
  • Accepting and Loading Freight
  • Vehicle Weight and Distribution of Weight
Trip Planning
  • Types of Driving runs and Assignments
  • Route Selection and Map Reading
  • Calculating Travel Time and Fuel Usage
  • Keeping Records and Trip Planning Software
  • Vehicle Licensing and Permits
  • Length and Weight Limits
  • Service Ruling-The Basics
  • Record of Duty Status
  • Driver Declared out of Service
  • Penalties
Professional Driver Health, Safety, and Security
  • Driver Nutrition and Exercise
  • Job Stress and Driver Fatigue
  • Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
Driver Safety and Roadside Emergencies
* Pre-requisite 

- Anyone who hold a valid driving license and no limitation in body movement
- No color blind
 Instructur :
Our trainers are recruited for their experience, knowledge, and skill in their respective fields of expertise. Many have tertiary qualifications, trade certificates of competency. Technical ability – although essential – there is only one component we look for when recruiting a potential JDDC trainer that is the ability to adapt and manage new work situations. Our service reputation has been built on a number of essential attributes, including;
- The willingness to learn
- Demonstrated professional skill
- Good communication ability
- Excellent interpersonal skill
- Ability top identify communication solutions

The following evaluations will be made during performing the training program:
·         Conduct preliminary assessment to each trainee to obtain his/her actual level of competence.
·         Perform post test to measure and assess the trainee’s understanding of course materials.
·         Provide individual learning performance report of the trainees to ensure they participate in the training program effectively.
Unsatisfactory participant/ trainee will be suggested to immediately attend another session.