All boilers lose some water in steam leaks; and some is intentionally wasted as boiler blowdown to remove impurities accumulating within the boiler.Steam locomotives and boilers generating steam for use in direct contact with contaminating materials may not recycle condensed steam. Replacement water is required to continue steam production. Make-up water is initially treated to remove floating and suspended materials. Hard water intended for low-pressure boilers may be softened by substituting sodiumfor divalentcations of dissolved calcium and magnesium most likely to cause carbonate and sulfate scale.High-pressure boilers typically require water demineralized by distillation or ion-exchange.
This course identifies common problems and their causes in boiler water systems and with the water treatments. It relates the pressure to the boiler feed water quality needed and identifies the common water treatment and mechanical methods to prevent boiler, boiler feed, and condensate problems. Topics that will be covered will be corrosion control, deposit control. Steam quality, foaming, and condensate protection. The current and new developments in boiler water treatment will be discussed and identified along with their limitations and benefi ts. This course is great for boiler operators both new and experienced.

Boiler Water Requirements
·         Makeup Water Quality vs Pressure
·         Pretreatment Methods
·         Feed Water Quality
·         Boiler Designs
Boiler Water Problems-Corrosion
·         Causes and control methods
·         pH vs Oxygen
·         Oxygen Scavengers
·         Metal Passivators
·         New Developments
Boiler Water Problems- Deposits
·         Causes and control methods
·         Old vs New Methods
·         Getting a Cleaner Boiler
·         Most Reliable Methods
Steam Quality
·         Causes of Poor Quality
·         Corrective techniques
·         Monitoring & Testing Methods
·         Corrosion Causes
·         Neutralizing Amines
·         Filming Amines
·         Metal Passivators
Steam Boiler Requirements
·         Startup and Shut down Methods
·         Lay up- Short & Long Term
·         Hot Water Boiler Concerns
Developing a Boiler Water Treatment Program
·         Makeup & Feed Water Quality
·         Treatment Programs & Controls
·         Monitoring Methods
Methods of External Water Treatment
·         Filters
·         Softeners
Methods of Internal Water Treatment
·         Scale Pevention
·         Sludge Conditioning
·         Prevention of Foaming
·         pH Control
·         Coustic Embrittlement Prevention
·         Corrosion Prevention
Various Testing Procedures and Terminology
·         pH
·         Hardness
·         Total Alkalinity
·         Sodium Sulphite
·         Phosphate
·         Dissolved Solid Test
How Water Boilers
·         Common Problems
·         Treatments vs Temperature
·         TGlycol vs Water
Case Studies

All supervisors and plant operatives who are involved in the day today operation of plant or anyone who requires a general appreciation of practical boiler water treatment.Boiler operators and anyone wanting to know the latest, unbiased information on boiler water treatment technologies.Anyone with low pressure boilers andinterested in the newest developments for industrial and commercial boiler water treatments.

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