Strategic planning is an essential process in preparing to carryout your organization’s mission. An effective strategic planningprocess provides a framework to make decisions on how to allocateorganizational resources, address challenges and take advantage ofopportunities that arise along the way.Effective Strategic Planningwas created for staff and board membersof community development organizations. It describes the processfor developing an organizational strategic plan, from preparation todevelopment and implementation. Worksheets are provided to assistwith planning tasks.
The Business Model Generation is a strategic management template for developing new or documenting existing business models. It is a visual chart with elements describing a firm's value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances.It assists firms in aligning their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs. Business Model Generation will teach you powerful and practical innovation techniques used today by leading companies worldwide. You will learn how to systematically understand, design and implement a new business model – or analyze and renovate an old one.

·     Learned about and applied a practical visual language to describe, challenge, and design business models.
·     Managers know the big picture on the running business unit.
·     Managers understand all aspect on business functions across finance, operation, marketing, learning/growth and customer.
·     Managers can align with other dept and creating internal value chain and improve its department performance by executing project improvement plan
·     Explored and prototyped business models using design thinking and customer development to boost future growth

Day 1
1. Strategic Level and  Helicopter View
·         Results of research on: Why companies can be successful.
o   From 7s to BSC.
o   The latest research: 7 essentials of high growth companies ( David  G. Thomson)
·         Results of research on: Why even successful companies could fail.
o   From Billion Dollar Lessons to
o   How the Mighty Fall (Jim Collins)
·         Differentiate ( Uniqueness ) or Die
·         5Cs : Company – Customers- Competitors – Changes – Collaboration
·         Achieving Vision and Mission through Strategy Map  and Balanced Scorecard
·         Business Model – Source of Revenues
·         Strategies  for riding a tidal wave  of business  2011 + Cases

2. The 9 key elements in business model (Alexander Osterwalder)
1.      Customer segments
2.      Value proposition
3.      Channel
4.      Customer relationship
5.      Revenue stream
6.      Key resource
7.      Key activities
8.      Key partners
9.      Cost

Day 2 : Turning Strategy into Execution
8. Customer Centric for All Manager
  • How customers think
  • Indonesian consumer behaviors
  • 3 segments
  • Strategy for each segment ( Treacy Wieserma )
  • Understanding Marketing Metrics
9. Internal Process / Operations Management for All Managers
  • Process analysis / Process FlowChart
  • Measuring Process Performance
  • Improving Quality : DMAIC and ServQual
  • Supply Chain Strategy
10. Leveraging Human Capital for All Managers
  • Memotivasi manager non HR untuk turut memikirkan SDM
  • Internalizing Corporate Culture in each Business Unit
11. Small Project Management in Business Unit for Continuous ImprovementProject  Initiation
  • Finding gaps : problem OR opportunity
  • Funneling and prioritizing
  • General Aims: Project Objective (what will be achieved by when)
  • Initial Risk(s)
  • Project Deliverables (what will be delivered by when)
  • Shareholder analysis
  • Success Criteria (what will meet or exceed the expectation of each stakeholder)
12. Deliverable / Output:
  • Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard
  • Pemilihan Marketing Strategy
  • 1-page Strategic Planning ( used in Astra and Triputra )
  • Motivating employees with NON-MONETARY approach
  • Small Project (Revenue Improvement OR Cost Reduction

Who Should Attend?
Anyone looking for hands on tools to apply to their business model. You could be a Senior
Executive, Strategist, Innovation Manager, Entrepreneur, Consultant, or Business Coach.

Muhammad Arsyad, ST

HeGraduatedfromITBBandungmajoring in IndustrialEngineering. Heisa youngentrepreneurwhohas contributedtovariousseminars, traininganddiscussions related todesigningBusinessModelsadoptedfromthe bookAlexanderOsterwalder tosmall businessestocorporate. Until now, he is often involved in thenewcommunity of entrepreneurswhowant tostarttheir businessorentrepreneurswhowant toevolvetheir business