Crystal Reports is a popular Windows-based report writer (report generation program) that allows a programmer to create reports from a variety of data sources with a minimum of written code. Developed by Seagate Software, Crystal Reports can access data from most widely-used databases and can integrate data from multiple databases within one report using Open Database Connectivity
Crystal Report is the primary recommended course you should take if your job responsibilities require you to obtain output from database. In this course, you will build basic list and group report that work with almost any database.

With the power of this industry-leading report-writing tool, Crystal Reports users and developers can integrate their organization's data, making sophisticated reports readily available to support critical business decisions. In this hands-on course, you gain extensive experience using Crystal Reports to connect to databases, retrieve raw data, format data, and create and present reports for widespread distribution. You return to your organization with a detailed process to help you connect to data sources and create useful reports right away.

1. Creating a Report

• Set Default Report Setting
• Specify Fields for a New Report
• Preview the Report
• Modify Field Display
• Add Fields From Additional Tables
2. Displaying Specific Report Data
• Find Data
• Sort Data
• Filter Data by single Criteria
3. Grouping Report Data
• Insert a Group
• Add Summaries
• Format Summary Information
• Change Group Options
• Filter by Group
• Create a Top N sort Group
4. Building Formulas
• Write a Formula
• Group by Formula
• Build a Filter by Multiple Criteria
• Create parameter Field
• Write a Formula that incorporates Null Fileds
5. Formating Reports
• Remove White Space
• Insert Page Header/Footer Data
• Add Border and lines
• Change the Margins
6. Enhancing Reports
• Create a section to Contain a Watermark
• Insert Object Using OLE
• Modify Format Based on Data Value
• Insert Hyperlinks
7. Creating and Modifying Pie Charts
• Create Pie Chart with Drill Down
• Modify Chart Text
• Format Chart
• Present a Chart by Group
8. Distributing Data
• Export to PDF
• Export to Excel
• Export to Access Database
• Create a Report Definitions
• Create Mailing Labels
9. Distributing Data
• Export to PDF
• Export to Excel
• Export to Access Database
• Create a Report Definitions
• Create Mailing Labels
10. Creating Running Totals
• Create a Running Total Field
• Modify a Running Total Field
• Create a Manual Running Total on Detail Data
• Create a Manual Running Total on summary Data
11. Building Cross-tabs in Your Report
• Create a Cross tab
• Create a Specified Group Order
• Filter a Cross Tab by Group
• Change the cross tab format
• Conditionally Format Rows and Columns
12. Adding SubReports
• Insert a SubReport
• Link a subreport to data in a Primary Report
• Edit a SubReport
• Format a subreport using the format editor
• Share Formulas Between Main and Subreport
13. Creating Drill Downs
• Create a Drill Down
• Create separate headings for Drill Down
14. Enhancing Report Processing Using SQL
• Create a Report using SQL Query
• Summarize Report Data Using SQL Aggregate Function
• Create Join Using SQL
• Create Subqueries
15. Charting Data
• Create Bar Chart
• Modify Chart
• Create a Top N Chart
• Format a Chart
• Create a Chart Template
16. Reporting on Excel Data
• Create a Report Based on Excel Data
• Modify a Report Generated from exel data
• Update Data in a Report Based on Excel Data

Anyone involved in creating reports from stored data. Experience using Windows and working with a spreadsheet is assumed.
Budi Sutedja, S.Kom, MM