Organisations are experiencing an increased concern and focus on risk management.The challenge for management of both private and public organisations is to determinehow much uncertainty to accept as it strives towards achieving the organisation’sobjectives and delivering value to its stakeholders.
The solution to this challenge is the establishment of an Enterprise Risk Management(ERM) system and processes that effectively identify, assess, and manage risk withinacceptable levels.The COSO Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework is designed to providebest practice guidance for management of businesses and other entities to improve theway they are dealing with these challenges.
COSO – ERM integrates various risk management concepts into a framework in which acommon definition is established, components are identified, and key conceptsdescribed. This enables COSO to provide a starting point for organisations to assess andenhance their Enterprise Risk Management.

The objective is to provide attendees with the necessary perspective, knowledge andskills to understand the risks and benefits of Enterprise Risk Management and learnhow the COSO – ERM framework enables organisations and management to:
    Comply with the requirements for corporate governance (King II)
    Align risk appetite and strategy
    Enhance risk response decisions
    Reduce operational surprises and losses
    Identify and manage multiple and cross-organisational risks
    Providing integrated responses to multiple risks
    Seize opportunities
    Improve the deployment of capital
A further objective is to provide attendees with an understanding of therequirements needed to design and implement an appropriate Enterprise RiskManagement system, i.e. policies, procedures, practices, and accountabilityrequired to establish the right levels of Risk Management in compliance withthe Corporate Governance requirements for their organisations

Day 1
1.       Course Introduction & Overview of CorporateGovernance & Enterprise Risk Management
2.       Understanding the COSO ERM Framework
3.       Internal Environment
Risk Management Philosophy, Risk Appetite, Boardof Directors, Integrity & Ethical Values, Commitmentto Competence, Organisational Structure,Assignment of Authority & Responsibility, HumanResource Standards
4.       Objective Setting
Strategic Objectives, Related Objectives, SelectedObjectives, Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerances
5.       Event Identification
Events, Influencing Factors, Event IdentificationTechniques, Event Interdependencies, EventCategories, Distinguishing Risks & Opportunities
Day 2
6.       Risk Assessment
Inherent & Residual Risk, Establishing Likelihood &Impact, Data Sources, Assessment Techniques,Event Relationships
7.       Risk Response
Evaluating Possible Responses, Selected Responses,Portfolio View
8.       Control Activities
Integration with Risk Response, Types of ControlActivities, Policies & Procedures, Controls overvInformation Systems, Entity Specific
9.       Information & Communication
Information, Communication
10.   Monitoring
Ongoing Monitoring Activities, Separate Evaluations,Reporting Deficiencies
Group Case Study
Day 3
11.   A practical approach to the development of an integratedRisk Management System & manual following therequirements for management systems standardsoutlined in the ISO Guide 72:
     Enterprise Risk management Policy
     Risk Management Planning
     Risk Management Implementation & Operation
     Performance Assessment
     Risk Management Improvement
     Risk Management Review
     Group Case Study
     Overview of the Enterprise Risk managementimplementation process
     Practical illustrations of techniques used at variouslevels of an organisation in applying enterprise riskmanagement principles.

Ir. BambangKuswijayanto, MM
Associate Director, PT SinergiDaya Prima (”SDP Consulting”), 2009 – Now, Islamic Bank and Islamic Finance Course, KedutaanBesar Arab Saudi, Jakarta.Corporate Financing and Structured Products, Bank Danamon-Corporate Banking. Import Trade Finance Operation/Long Term Credit Scheme Islamic Development Bank. Loan Disbursement Workshop, Asian Development Bank. Credit Risk Management, Citibank. Executive Shariah Workshop, Tazkia Institute.


This training workshop is designed for Directors and senior managers, Risk officers and other professionals involved in risk management, Internal and external auditorsthat deal with the complexities of organisational risk management function on a daily basis.