Going green in the office is more than just a trend. By improving the energy efficiency of office buildings, businesses can save money on pricey electric bills and protect the earth’s precious resources.These days more and more companies have incentives to make the shift to eco-friendly technology. Among the many factors encouraging businesses to go green are tax and power incentives, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and improving corporate image.
It is important that the training department is a fundamental part of green strategies for your business. Developing a green strategy in the workplace requires new ways of thinking and doing things so training is often a good place to start initiating green programs. By encouraging management and employees to become environmentally aware and to get into the green habit needs to take effect at all levels of staffing.
The nature of your organization will obviously play a role in what training opportunities you will provide. Managers will certainly benefit from books, courses and videos on how to implement green strategies among their teams. Online courses are an efficient way of training front-line employees.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
·      Understand the concept of Go Green in orbanization
·      Raise environmental awareness in their organizations.
·      Understand how innovation and other approaches can minimize an environmental footprint.
·      Leverage data-driven approaches for making environmental improvements also profitable.
·      Expand their utilization of process-excellence resources.
·      Better ensure environmental compliance and lower risk.
·      Leverage green activities for public perception and corporate branding.
·      Enhance due diligence for corporate stewardship and regulatory compliance

1.       Understand the Need for Green
2.       The role of training in a corporate green strategy
3.       What is sustainability for Green?
4.       Good for the Eenvironment, Good for Bbusiness
5.       Cost savings through green action
6.       Benefits to shareholders, customers and employees
7.       Go Green in Workplace
·       Workplace energy audit checklist
·       Workplace water usage audit checklist
·       Workplace recycling audit checklist
·       Workplace energy-conservation tip sheet
·       Workplace water-conservation tip sheet
8.       Workplace recycling tip sheet
9.       Building a green work force tip sheet
10.   Green workplace-cleaning products
11.   Workplace meeting agenda
12.   Employee orientation handout
13.   Room poster – promotion
14.   Evaluation and Audit

Dr. Prabang Setyono, M.Sc
Instruktur merupakan Ecologyst yang menjabat sebagai  Ketua Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Lingkungan S2 dan menyelesaikan program doktoral dari Universitas Negeri Surakarta dengan konsentrasi Environmental Science. Aktif dalam kegiatan di organisasi Ikatan Ahli Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (IALHI) sebagai ketua umum sekaligus perperan sebagai tim instrktur dalam kegiatan pelatihan-pelatihan sertifikasi.